Meghan Conroy

Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routines. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?

Not really, I am more of the school that less routine is the best routine. Scheduling time throughout the week with no meetings in order to respond to the requests throughout the week has been very helpful to me, but this is not a “daily” routine.  I do believe that success is directly correlated to being a self-starter / self-motivator, without this, no routine will get you off the ground. 

Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests?

Not that I was acutely aware of, however, I did think I would be successful, whatever that means. 

Is there a specific time of day when you feel most productive?

I am somewhere between a late morning and late evening person. When I get into a groove I can go for hours – forgetting to eat and/or sleep til very late. 

Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s world?

Grit or stickwithitness as I have said to many. The only way through the mountains of hard work, let downs, achievements and areas to improve, is to stick to the goal, stay the course and not give up. 

Has being a woman in the business world affected you positively or negatively, and how so?

It is so hard to answer this, as I have no control of me as a man, to directly compare. And when a woman says it has impacted her negatively, then she is a complainer or a victim. The facts is “Only 2.7 percent of venture capital dollars went toward female-founded companies in 2019 according to a report from the Female Founders Fund, a women-led, early-stage investment firm.” Oct 20, 2022

 That is not a big slice of the pie for any female entrepreneur. 

What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?

At least one CaptureProof algorithm has a medical device designation. 

Who is your biggest influence, and why?

Georges Fevre, the famous black and white photography printer for Henri Cartier-Bresson.  Georges taught me to live unapologetically towards my passion. 

If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration?

This is a hard question, sadly. Melanie Perkins, she is the co-founder and CEO of Canva.

What has been the most formative advice you have received and why?

“If at times I don’t live up to your expectations, please remember, they are your expectations, not mine.” – Albert Einstein 

It feels good to say this to another person, but holding space for someone else to say this to you, is where the real advice begins. 

What has been the most impressive/memorable question anyone has ever asked you?

“What makes you wonder?” 

Followed by, “How much money can I invest?”

If you have siblings, are they also entrepreneurs?

Yes, funny enough, my mother says we all got the “entrepreneur gene.” My father and grandfather were also entrepreneurs, each had their own small business.

Do you think the drive to become an entrepreneur is born with or is learned?

Risk taking is something that is innate in some children and less in others, though you can learn how to better take risks. It is surprising how wired we are when we arrive on this planet. I think nature is even more important than nurture, though they both likely play a role.