Heidi Lee-Komaromi

Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routines. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?

I completely agree. Whether it’s a busy Art Basel week, an important art curation, or large appraisal project, having a habitual practice helps me to prioritize my day effortlessly.

Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests? 

Yes, and even beyond my teenage years! As early as twelve years old I had an interest in starting my own business. My cousin and I came up with all kinds of small business ideas from homemade cosmetics products to car washing. I learned basic elements of customer service, teamwork and accounting. More importantly, I learned that one’s passion can also be one’s profession. After college, I turned my love for Contemporary art into a thriving art advisory business and have worked with some of the best artists, art collectors and dealers in the world. 

Is there a specific time of day where you feel most productive?

The early morning is an ideal time for me once I shake off the sleep inertia.

Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s world? 

My art advisory is still going strong even after experiencing three recessions. I credit my grit and passion for art for keeping my business afloat all these years–I am celebrating HLK Art Group’s 20-year anniversary this year! Grit is not just tenacity, or the determination and strength to move forward against all setbacks but the passion and willingness to work hard towards your goals. 

Has being a woman in the business world affected you positively or negatively, how so? 

There are pros and cons to being a female entrepreneur, especially in the art world. In the last four years, less than 11% of acquisitions in US museums have been by female-identifying artists and only 3.3% of auction sales have been works by women (Burns Halpern Report 2022).  Those are abysmally low numbers. Hence, women in art have to work harder and smarter to achieve the same level of status and benefits as their male counterparts but that is where grit, perseverance and luck come into play!

What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?

I would like to help pioneer contemporary art in the mental health and wellness fields.

Who is your biggest influence and why?

There are many contemporary artists working today who I find incredibly inspiring such as Annika Yi, Renne Cox and Simone Leigh. I respect artists who go to great lengths to investigate, experiment and explore challenging or forbidden subject matters in order to shed light on the truth. I am inspired by artists who work in this capacity and admire their courage, passion and creative prowess.

If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration? 

There are so many! But Oprah Winfrey stands out.

What has been the most formative advice you have received and why? 

If you are not 100% sure about what you want in life, take six months to work on yourself and realign with your authentic self.

What has been the most impressive/memorable question anyone has ever asked you?

‘How do you make it look so easy?!’

If you have siblings are they also entrepreneurs?

They are, so I guess it runs in the family. We call my brother a ‘serial entrepreneur’. He lives between LA and NY and is currently a head at a leading-edge carbon capture company, CarbonCapture, that addresses the climate change crisis. My sister is also a self-starter and runs a successful matchmaking business, DubaiMatchMaker.com.

Do you think the drive to become an entrepreneur is born with or is learned? 

Probably both but I became a trailblazer in my field by taking risks and making sacrifices which I believe was more learned behavior than genetics; however, the grit of my family ancestors cannot be denied!

Art Advisor, Appraiser, and Curator
New York City & Sag Harbor
website: www.hlkartgroup.com
Instagram: @heidileekomaromi
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidileekomaromi/