Julia Kai Fink

Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routines. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?

I think that the key to success lies within a balance of routine and spontaneity.  I like to keep consistent with certain parts of my day, such as waking up at around the same time in the mornings or going for a run outside, but mixing things up keeps me motivated.  Even something as simple as working from a coffee shop or park can be a fun and inspiring change from sitting at a desk.  

Having a daily routine can be a really effective tool to channel productivity, but it’s also very easy to get stuck in the sameness of an all-day, every-day schedule.  I think it’s important to make changes, even if they’re just small tweaks, to keep life fresh and exciting. 

Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests?

I actually grew up performing music (guitar and vocals, mainly), rather than writing about it or working on the business end of things.  Even in those roles, I was a band leader and creator.  I always enjoyed learning new skills or leading projects, although I wasn’t necessarily thinking of entrepreneurship as a formal concept; I was just following my passions.  I was an active leader in numerous organizations, including running my high school’s literary and art magazine and the Philosophy Club, which I started myself.  I knew that I wanted to work in the music industry doing something that could make a major impact, but it wasn’t until  the COVID-19 lockdown that I really found my path and began to consider myself a real entrepreneur.  

Is there a specific time of day when you feel most productive?

I feel most productive in the mornings.  I like to start my day with a workout of some sort, whether I’m boxing, running, or training with weights.  There’s sort of a snowball effect and if I’ve done that one productive thing, I’m more motivated to keep getting things done during the rest of the day. 

Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s world?

I think that patience and persistence go hand in hand.  Things don’t happen overnight–it takes time to build an audience, connections, and a solid foundation for a business.  So many people will tell you “no” or brush your ideas off when you’re starting out, but you just have to keep grinding and pushing until they have no choice but to take you seriously.  That kind of rejection can be really difficult to deal with, so you have to be your own #1 fan at all times and keep working towards your goals no matter what anyone else says.

Has being a woman in the business world affected you positively or negatively, and how so?

Being a woman has always been a key component of my identity.  It influences the way I perceive and handle situations.  I feel so grateful for the network of talented, driven, and forward-thinking women that continues to support me through my professional endeavors.  That being said, there are times when I’ll walk into a room and be the only woman.  The music business has been historically male-dominated and even now, women are still working to break the glass ceiling.

What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?

I hope to expand my magazine’s global audience in the coming years.  I want to celebrate and share musical artistry on a massive scale, making Enharmonic Magazine a household name across every part of the world.  

If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration?

Dolly Parton is my idol.  She is not only an incredible musician but also a savvy, intentional businesswoman.  She has grown her artistry into a branding empire, creating a multitude of films, books, baking mixes, and merch items (both for humans and for dogs).  She has single-handedly turned her name and image into an icon.  She also uses her platform and resources to make a positive impact.  She helped fund the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and rewrote some of her songs to encourage people to get vaccinated.

What has been the most formative advice you have received and why?

Do what you love and love what you do.  It might sound cheesy, but it rings true.  If you pursue the things that genuinely interest you, they’ll almost never feel like work.  The more you enjoy what you do, the more time and effort you’re likely to invest in growing your skills and confidence.  You’ll ultimately feel more fulfilled and inspire others with your passion.  

What has been the most impressive/memorable question anyone has ever asked you?

I love when people ask me for my opinion about a specific album or artist.  I also love when they ask for music recommendations.

If you have siblings, are they also entrepreneurs?

My sister, Jade, is a talented bassist, songwriter, and artist.  I’ve always looked up to her creativity and drive… She’s the person who first inspired me to get involved in music.  

Do you think the drive to become an entrepreneur is born with or is learned?

I think it’s a bit of both.  Sometimes, it’s just a matter of figuring out what excites and inspires you.  Skills such as writing and networking can be learned, but core traits like creativity and self-motivation are inherent.


Founder & CEO, Enharmonic Magazine
website: https://www.enharmonicmagazine.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enharmonicmagazine/ abd https://www.instagram.com/juliakaifink/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julia-fink-5a584a208/