Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routine. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?

I’m not a good person to ask about this because I’m not very routine-based. I wish I had that kind of discipline but I don’t. 🙂

Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests?

I think I often daydreamed about various business ideas or things I could do to make money less conventionally. I was a bit of a maverick and I think it takes that quality to be an entrepreneur.

Is there a specific time of day where you feel most productive?

Usually from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm I get the bulk of my busy work done.

Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s world?

I think you have to be comfortable with risk and change. If either of those things causes anxiety, then owning your own business is going to be very stressful. Not that entrepreneurs don’t get stressed or anxious, they just seem to be able to roll with it and in some ways are energized by it. Constant problem solving and thinking on your feet. That’s what I love.

Has being a woman in the business world denied you of any opportunities, how so? 

I wouldn’t say denied at all. Challenged, yes. Made things more difficult? Yes. The sea of change I’m seeing and am most excited about is that women are aligning and helping each other achieve success like no other time in history. It’s empowering and ultimately will lead to gender equity.

What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?

To have traveled to the world.

Who is your biggest influence and why? 

It’s hard to say one biggest influence as it changes every decade or so. If I look at it from a lifetime perspective it has to be my adventurous, fun-loving parents. They pushed beyond limits that many have not. I learned from them to be open to all that the world has to offer and to push forward with passion and drive. 

If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration. 

Beyonce! She’s amazing.

What has been the most formative advice you have received and why?

Focus on the three most urgent things, and have a list of three important things to move up to urgent. Everything else isn’t important.

What has been the most impressive/memorable question anyone has ever asked you?

Many years ago I had the privilege of hearing Shirley Chisholm speak. She talked about all the barriers and obstacles that came her way. As the first African American woman to run for president, she had plenty of opposition. Which she didn’t let stand in her way. She just said, ‘Out of my way, mister, I’ve got work to do.” And walked around them.

If you have siblings are they also entrepreneurs?

I do. And he is not. He’s worked the same night shift job for over 25 years.

Do you think the drive to become an entrepreneur is born with or is learned?

I think you have to have a searing curiosity to learn as much as you can about things that interest you. And a passion for leaning into life. Is that by birth or by nurture? I have no idea. 

Seattle, WA
President at TomboyX