Clare Munn

Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routines. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?

I feel quite clear that if we become aware of who we are as early as possible we can make more thoughtful decisions on how we spend our time. I respect time enormously. For some reason I always have and then in my late teens I remember looking up the average age we live – apparently 80 years, and this equals approximately 700,400 hours. I didn’t see that number as a problem – I saw it as a challenge. I asked myself there and then, how am I going to live life and how am I going to do it by being financially independent? One of the most important decisions I made that day was to avoid toxic people. I really am allergic to negative people. They take up an enormous amount of time and I don’t want to waste mine on that.

So, with all that in mind, I am clear about my day’s structure. I have certain benchmarks to meet each day and this starts with myself. I always have a better day if I start with some activity – this isn’t always possible but it is super when I make it so. Yoga/stretches or a long brisk hike/jog/walk, hot lemon water – a giggle with my partner and family, and I am off.

Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests?

Yes. Many! Too many perhaps. I was one of those tiny humans who asked “why” about nearly everything. Especially if I felt something was unfair. I drove my parents and siblings nuts. 

But I think the first real ‘entrepreneur’ thought was how to motorise the pram my baby sister was in. I got bored pushing it back and forth so I imagined strapping some form of engine to it. I did try. Thankfully not successfully.

Your idea here is much better.

Is there a specific time of day when you feel most productive?

It actually depends how I begin the day. If I begin with exercise I am fully charged. If I don’t, I loose luster by 2pm and then remind myself to be active and get a second wind later in the day. We are not robots. We need to fill ourselves with energy.

Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s world?

There are many – starting with Active listening. A key key key critical skill.

Followed up:

Accountability. Proactivity. Clarity. Thoughtfulness. Active listening. Critical thinking. Data Analytics understanding. Negotiation. Stress management. Project management. Resilience. Adaptability. Design thinking.

Has being a woman in the business world affected you positively or negatively, and how so?

I really don’t know, having not been anything but a woman. However, I would say in some ways I can tell it’s sometimes easier being a woman and sometimes easier being a man. Regardless of gender the ones who know how to actively listen more are the ones who find life easier overall.

What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?

Help 1 billion people be employable.

Who is your biggest influence, and why?

Life has been my biggest influence – especially nature. Observing nature in any form is both a privilege and an education. Biomimicry is something I’ve been fascinated with since I was in elementary school. Think about it – the way a tree forms is truly remarkable.

As for humans – many and if I had to single them out, my parents; grandmother; siblings; teacher: Mrs Connie Zaayman and my partner. 

Books are also an incredible source of influence to me. 

Actually, I couldn’t single anything out – life in all its facets is influential. Period.

If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration?

Elisabetta Zucchi

CEO, Co-Founder of Box Play
email: [email protected]